Beyond Squeaky Wheel Leadership (SWL)

Beyond Squeaky Wheel Leadership (SWL)

You may have heard the saying, “the squeaky wheel gets the grease”.  American writer Josh Billings popularized this saying over 100 years ago in his poem “The Kicker”:  I hate to be a kicker, I always long for peace, But the wheel that squeaks…
Getting Sh** Done Leadership

Getting Sh** Done Leadership

Getting Sh** Done Leadership The year was 1988. High school wrestlers from across North America. I was on deck. My opponent was from a Michigan prep school and in his matching red, white, and blue singlet, track pants, and jacket, he looked…
Tales from the Fishbowl #1

Tales from the Fishbowl #1

My Hometown   Between 2014-2022, I was mayor of a small town in Southwestern Ontario. The Township of Centre Wellington was formed in 1999 when the Town of Fergus, Village of Elora and a few surrounding hamlets and farming communities amalgamated as part…